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แสดงบทความที่มีป้ายกำกับ ตัวละครภายในเกมส์ แสดงบทความทั้งหมด
แสดงบทความที่มีป้ายกำกับ ตัวละครภายในเกมส์ แสดงบทความทั้งหมด

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Thief Dragon Raja เกมส์ดราก้อนราจา


Thieves make good scouts as they have very high MOVP which allows them to move very fast. They also have special skills to steal from monsters as well as setting and detecting traps. Their damage are lower than an archer but has better armor class (AC) than archers.
Archer Dragon Raja เกมส์ดราก้อนราจา


Archers are experts with bows and long range weapons. They have the highest damage potential among the classes. Archers also have access to special skills to set traps and detect traps. Due to their low CON, archers have low hit points and a low armor class (AC). Archers are great for sniping.
Wizard Dragon Raja เกมส์ดราก้อนราจา


Wizards are great for mass damage. They have the ability to deal high damage over a wide area and hit multiple targets with a single spell. Wizards are physically weak and require mana to cast spells. They also need to memorize their spells first. Although they are physically weak, their ability to attack multiple targets allows them to gain experience points and level up faster.
Priest Dragon Raja เกมส์ดราก้อนราจา


Priest are the most defensive and protective class. They can cast heal and protection spells. He can resurrect dead players as well. Although priests have many great powers, they have slow spell casting and deal moderate amounts damage.
Warrior Dragon Raja เกมส์ดราก้อนราจา


Warriors are the master of combat. They have high damage, high CON which allows them to use heavy armor and are good with melee weapons. The warriors have very limited spell-casting abilities and are also slow moving. The warriors usually act as the tank for the party.